Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the 2021 Spring District 4 - South tournament for the age group.
U11/12 Girls 6B 9 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 Belle Vernon Area Youth Soccer Club
Belle Vernon - Ortolona U11 Girls
0403-1716G10-0004   Jacob Ortolona
 A2 Chartiers Valley
Chartiers Valley - G2010 -Lamatrice
0411-0816G10-0273   David Lamatrice
 A3 Fayette County
Fayette County Youth Soccer - Eicher G2009 D6
0413-1216G09-0112   Christie Eicher
 A4 Greene County United Soccer Club
Greene County - U12 Girls - Lantz
0414-1586G09-0001   Brian Lantz
 A5 Montour
Montour - G2009
0418-0486G09-1002   Todd Fleck
 A6 Mt. Lebanon
Mt. Lebanon - U12G - Kuhlman
0420-0346G09-1166   Dustin Kuhlman
 A7 Highlanders
Highlanders - G2009 Vanatta
0417-1515G09-1125   Johannah Vanatta
 A8 South Fayette
South Fayette Fleming U12 Girls SP21
0456-0566G09-0002   Robert Fleming
 A9 Washington County
WCYSA BW Hamstra
0429-1116G09-1284   Tyler Hamstra